Wednesday, February 17, 2016

So, You Want To Retake Unit 5, Part One....

Are you looking to retake any targets in Unit 5, part 1?  Then look no further!  Below you will find links to test forms that, when completed, will take the place of your current grade for that target in Infinite Campus.

WARNING: YOU CAN ONLY RETAKE THE TARGETS ONE TIME. So make sure you're absolutely ready to do the retake before you click the link!

I HIGHLY RECOMMEND getting some help (either from me, or another math teacher) before you attempt the retake. After all, if you bombed the target the first time, there clearly was something you didn't understand. If you take the target again before getting help, you're bound to do poorly on it again!

When you're ready to attempt the retakes, click the links below.

Target 5.1 - I can graph linear relationships in y=mx+b form. 

Target 5.2 - I can write equations for linear graphs in y=mx+b form. 

Target 5.3 - I can write a y=mx+b equation for a table of x- and y-values. 

Target 5.4 - I can solve y=mx+b problems using parallel lines. 

Target 5.5 - I can solve y=mx+b problems using perpendicular lines. 

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